Getting Ready for a New School Year

Hello to Our Artsy Communities,

We hope your summer has been relaxing and joyful so far and that you are starting to get excited about the start of a new school year. The campus is still closed, but students are finding ways to put their stamp on their school: seniors painting their parking spaces, athletes working out, and MSA actors and artists working on special projects.

While I am the only official MSA/NHS staff back on the clock, many of us have been in dreaming, planning, and scheming mode including MSA Foundation parents as we put together some engaging beginning of the year activities we hope you will attend. And lucky for us Shannon has been willing to come in to help out our new-to-MSA families (WELCOME!) and update important resources like our carpool lists.

By now you should have received the NHS mailer including this MSA one-pager that includes this welcome back message and information about our upcoming get-togethers. Please use these resources to take out your calendars and reserve time for MSA Town Hall, regional zip code parties, and NHS activities (described in the packet). Some of our booster groups are also planning great summer mixers (thank you!). Expect friendly, inclusive, FUN events that help you build community connections and relationships.

As we plan, we are noticing the need for additional help. These requests are easy breezy additional opportunities to support our artsy community and vibe:

  • Zip Code Party co-hosts – this commitment is just three hours on one day to help host informal MSA parties. Co-hosts will bring a drink or dish, arrive 30 minutes early at 3:30, talk to new folks during the two-hour get together, and help clean up from 6:00-6:30. For our social butterflies – what a great excuse to meet your MSA neighbors!
  • Divine Wine Auction committee – this team will use existing resources to send out letters and emails to businesses to put together auction packages. Commitment: Just a few hours a week until October. For our organized and connected folks – easy yet instrumental to the success of our first fundraiser of the year.

I recognize that you may be in summer mode and not quite ready to commit, but I also hope that our MSA families – old and new – will connect and feel great about the community we create together. If you are at all interested, email me at [email protected] and I’ll connect you to the good people working on these plans.

To a few more weeks of summer sun, good friends, and relaxing times (and to a few of you reaching out to say yes to the needs above).


Michelle Cortez


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