MSA Volunteers Make a Difference!

Get to know the MSA community—students, faculty, parents, friends, businesses—when you volunteer! There are TWO WAYS to get involved—through our program-specific Booster Groups and through the MSA Foundation. There is no task too big or too small.

As a Booster volunteer, you can drive students, sew costumes, build sets, transport instruments, sell tickets, chaperone events, bake cookies, and much more! Please see more below.

As an MSA Foundation volunteer, you can become a board member, lead or be part of a committee, or offer your skills or time as needed in the areas of IT support, donor cultivation, photography, videography, event coordination, marketing and the list goes on!

volunteer page

Booster Volunteers

Each MSA program is supported by a booster group made up of adult and student volunteers who meet as needed (monthly to only a few times a year) with their faculty to help coordinate various program projects:

  • Field trip support—to provide drivers, organizational and logistical assistance, and more
  • Event support—set up and take down, concessions, ticket sales, costume support, and more
  • Class support—organize special guests, special projects and more
  • Publicity support—photography, press releases, copy for online and social media, and more

Please learn more about each booster group and when they meet below.


MSA Foundation Volunteers

To support MSA’s mission, MSA Foundation functions as the 501 (c) (3) fundraising organization for MSA. MSAF currently raises more than $500,000 each year in order to offer all students at Novato High School the opportunity for advanced arts instruction.

We are always looking for individuals interested in becoming board members and joining committees, or those interested in volunteering time and/or skills as needed for the following areas:

  • Business Development
  • Grant Research & Writing
  • Annual Giving Campaign
  • Communications
  • Diving Wine & Food
  • MSA Showcase
  • Volunteer Committee
  • Gratitude Team

Volunteer Programs

Cinematic Arts 2

Cinematic Arts

Creative Writing 3

Creative Writing

Dance 4


Music 5


Product Design 6

Product Design

Theatre 7


Visual Arts 8

Visual Arts

MSAF Volunteers 9

MSAF Volunteers

Cinematic Arts

Support our incredible film makers as they learn the ins and outs of cinematic arts! Booster volunteers will help forward important program communications via email. Booster volunteers to work with Mr. Chidel to determine any special needs for the program relating to event preparation, field trip planning, or other logistics. Please also encourage other families to like our Facebook page and follow our activities! Interested parties that would like more information are encouraged to email the department chair.

Creative Writing

The Creative Writing Boosters organize field trips to inspiring locations such as the De Young Museum, Point Reyes Station, and China Camp State Park; arrange for famous authors to speak to the class about their creative processes and the realities of getting published; maintain a close relationship with Book Passage Bookstore and Dr. Insomnia’s café where students have the opportunity to read their work before a varied and enthusiastic public audience.

Each Creative Writing family is asked to participate in Creative Writing Boosters by getting involved in monthly meetings and/or participating in events. It is proven in the annals of science that students whose parents show an active interest in their children’s education benefit from a higher rate of success. We are relying on you, and more importantly–so are your students.

Please join us — we are a friendly, fun-loving group! Let’s share the work that is required to make this program a success.

If you have any questions or would like to become a booster, please contact the department chair by email.


Dance Boosters assist faculty and dancers in helping the program operate at its best. Boosters help organize and carpool students to attend professional dance performances each semester, help shop for and/or assist with making performance costumes help prepare and set up for dance performances and work to share our dancers’ stories about their accomplishments! To support the dance program to its fullest, we request that each dance family contribute 10 hours per year to booster activities — either through a regular Booster position or by assisting at events and field trips. We encourage new ideas, as well as questions, to improve our program and to support our dedicated faculty and students.

Booster meetings are open to the public or contact a chairperson by email.


Join us in support of the MSA Music program (Jazz Studies, Vocal Music, Concert, Strings, Chamber, and Rock/Contemporary Music). Family support is essential for event preparation, festival, and field trip planning. Each program within the department participates in festivals, competitions, and concerts both on and off campus throughout the school year, and volunteer support makes those experiences successful for our students.

Parents are encouraged to attend a boosters meeting to find out more about upcoming department plans and join our energetic group. For further information, please feel free to contact Booster Chairpersons.

Vocal Music

Chamber, Jazz & Rock Band

Product Design

Support a dynamic MSA program that encourages students to develop individual and group product ideas and innovations from concept and design to production and marketing.
Product Design is a growing program within MSA that addresses today’s evolving needs. This program is perfect for those with a desire to evolve ideas into tangible products. Parent Boosters are part of the Visual Arts Booster team and support program faculty and students directly by assisting with communications, student activities, and classroom projects as needed.


In support of the Theatre Arts and Musical Theatre programs, Drama Boosters request each family contribute 20 volunteer hours to assist with ongoing preparations for our in-house productions, outside events, festivals and field trip planning, costume and set design/construction and fundraising to enrich the academic and creative lives of our students and support our amazing faculty. Our meetings are open and we welcome and encourage parent participation. To attend a meeting or become a booster please contact our chair person by email.

Visual Arts

Join us to support students in our Visual Arts programs, including Ceramics and Sculpture, Digital Art, Drawing and Painting, and Photography. Your support is essential for event preparation, field trip planning, fundraising, and finding/contacting special guest artists to speak with students. For information, please email the department chair, Taylor Mancini.

And to find out more about MSA Visual Arts, check our Facebook page!

MSAF Volunteers

The MSA Foundation needs volunteers year-around for various fundraising projects for MSA. Please fill out our volunteer information form to let us know how to contact you and how you would like to volunteer your time. If you have any questions or ideas, please contact our volunteer coordinator.

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