Hello, Creative Community,
To kick off the new year, we hit the ground running with many pots on the stove, balls in the air, and—thankfully—cooks in the kitchen.
The MSA team is planning for the future with prospective student auditions and strategizing to pull off new moves for current students with field trips, projects, and spring events. We can’t make all of these lovely and ambitious plans happen without family engagement or, as we like to call it, the “secret sauce” of school culture and student success.
As you plan your spring, please keep our event calendar in mind. If you have a little extra time, consider volunteering for your child’s program booster group or one of the MSA Foundation Committees. We love spending time with the whole family doing all the artsy things we do around here.
To all the ways we cook up a creative, joyful, and supportive environment for all our kids,
Michelle Cortez