Settling in to a New School Year

Hello MSA Community,

What a strong start to our school year!

With five school days under our belt, we’ve already enjoyed family and student preview events and socials, a rally, a dance, spirit days, art projects, and intentions set and shared. In the name of connection and relationship building, we continue to do our best to listen and share and balance high behavior and academic standards with warmth and joy. Our staff is not alone in these beginning of the year efforts.

Thank you to the many hosts and guests who showed up to zip code parties—these mixers helped us get to know regional neighbors.

Deep appreciation to the parents who have supported our artists in their transition from lazy summer days and travel to forming regular routines and positive framing new expectations and boundaries.

And admiration and love to our creative students—already taking safe creative risks (an oxymoron, I know!) and putting themselves out there. I love saying hello to our newest students who greet me with enthusiasm in the halls. And I’m proud of our older students—willing to mentor and model thinking outside the box.

We invite you to bask in the sweetness in an upcoming event and consider joining the planning team of our big fall event—Divine Wine & Food. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, to Shannon, or to any of our MSA teachers if you have ideas, questions or concerns.


Michelle Cortez


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