Ongoing Ways to Share the Love

Happy Wednesday, dear MSA communities,

The NHS campus is buzzing with students spreading the love.

It is our NHS tradition for leadership students to write the name of every single student and staff member on a heart and post it to share with admirers. Clearly, we all needed to display our affections; students eagerly picked up hearts and wore them on their sleeves (and pant legs and everywhere else).

Living and working and schooling and making art in diverse communities requires moving past routines and taking (safe) risks to express yourself. If you haven’t already done so, please consider sharing what you love (AND constructive feedback) on our annual Youth Truth parent survey (you can access it here). You can also book your tickets for Young Frankenstein and our Spring Dance Concert (coming soon)—both spectacular performances are in March! Or save the date for our MSA Showcase, April 23.  Here’s to ongoing ways to share our love!


Michelle Cortez
MSA Director/NHS Assistant Principal


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