Fall Musical Opens Friday!

Hello, Good People,

The fall musical opens this weekend! Come and be impressed by the large cast of student performers who have dedicated hundreds of hours toward preparing this production for you. While you are there, take a moment to appreciate the handiwork of the many minds and hands who designed and built the set, lit and amplified our actors, selected and tailored our costumes, and take care of the rides, the meals, the ups and the downs. Every year, I watch the musical several times and I never cease to be amazed by the product and the process.

I also invite our community to enjoy our MSA Fall/Winter Program. That publication is its own kind of production—and this season we are honored to feature aspects of our community that expand our reach. From the working partnerships of sister art organizations like Marin MOCA to business partners old and new to the awesome inspiration from teaching artists, our young artists grow and thrive under our MSA network of love and support.

With love for all parts of our diverse community,

Michelle Cortez


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