End-of-Years Events at MSA

Hello Beautiful People,

There are all kinds of lovely end-of-year events and celebrations these days—so many that even Shannon and I can’t make all of them! We are grateful for parents who show up to cheer on students and staff so that all our artist scholars receive the recognition they deserve. Please take note of the calendar (also pictured) to be sure you don’t miss out in the jam-packed weeks ahead.

We are also impressed with the thoughtful reflection and curation coming out of our student writers and artists. Art Fest is the mega event showing off all of our visual arts and creative writing students packing every public space in the C4A. It’s shaping up to be a stunning exhibition with work from students at every grade and skill level. Come check it out!

Hope to see you in person soon,

Michelle Cortez

End-of-Years Events at MSA 1


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