Creative Writers Published in Marin County Poetry Anthology

Twenty one MSA writers will have poems appearing in this year’s Marin Poetry Center’s High School Anthology—that’s almost half of the 50 poems selected this year from almost 1,000 submitted for consideration! It’s the most MSA Creative Writers included in the anthology, with three writers also earning top awards.

Second Place:
Sophia DeMoe “first breakfast after coming out” (‘25)
Honorable Mentions:
Ethan Ramm (‘24) and Story Hadfield (‘26)

Eighteen Additional Poets Selected for Anthology Inclusion are:
Moriel Abisdris, Madison Alvarez, Sofia Barker, Claire Bender, Lillian Braly, Kai Bryan, Benjamin Chartier, Zoe Csizmadia-Zinnes, Sage Gasson, Chloe Gillmer, Evelyn Hall, Robin Kraft, Aleshka McPretl, Noe Pardini, Victoria Salazar, Mira Snider, Cameron Taaffe, Genesis Vasquez

Congratulations MSA Creative Writers!


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