Back to School is about Making Connections

Hello, Arts Families,

School starts tomorrow! It’s going to be an arts-infused year not only in MSA classes but, hopefully, all across your child’s school schedule.

Teachers in every content area are practicing ways to integrate arts into their beginning of class routines, projects, and even assessments. We are talking through how to apply student to student art critique to all aspects of growing as a community by developing a stronger culture of feedback.  And we are modeling appropriate artistic risk-taking by gathering and curating staff art for the first exhibition of the year. There’s a palpable excitement from all this great artistic exploration and preparation.

We hope all of our students and families feel welcome and optimistic after all our preview events and after the first few days of school (MSA Foundation still has one more Zip Code party for our friends in San Rafael, central and south Marin—it’s not too late to sign up!). Tomorrow evening, ask your kiddo if they heard the MSA rock band at lunch or plan to go to the Black Light Welcome Back dance Friday night. Ask them what the joy assembly was all about. Or, if you have a senior, check in on senior sunrise. These ongoing efforts to connect our students to one another in person are what our diverse, inclusive community are all about it.


Michelle Cortez
MSA Director/NHS Assistant Principal

P.S. Still confusing on first day of school details? Check out Principal Seabury’s reminders here.


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