Preparing, Connecting, and Dreaming Together

Hello, dear MSA communities,

Preparing. . . 
It’s seniors painting parking spot time and freshmen following their Link Leader time and “oh, my goodness, less than a week until the first week of school!” time with all the associated anticipation, smiles, nervousness, and questions. It can be exciting and a little nerve wracking preparing for the new year to start. (Especially you, freshmen families. I see you and I feel you and I thank you for your positivity amidst the recent Freshmen Science Pathways conversations. Here’s to finding the silver linings!)

Connecting. . . 
Thankfully there is a lot of help all around us.  Our teachers and fabulous MSA Foundation parents have all kinds of fun activities and resources available for you to feel connected including the Foundation Newsletter and car pool lists (see links in the newsletter sent and opt-in here) as well as program specific socials. We connect as a large community next Monday at Town Hall.

Dreaming together. . . 
At Town Hall next Monday, we will begin celebrating and dreaming together. It’s MSA’s 20th Anniversary and all year long we will dreaming up special ways to celebrate our past, present, and future. Let’s get creative in our musings and collaborative in our efforts to realize our future together!

With so much love and optimism for our strong communities,

Michelle Cortez


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