Students reflect on the impact of our art enriched campus

Hello dear MSA communities,

Thank you to those who were able to join us at Town Hall #2 including the MSA Booster meetings October 15th. Nearly 70 families joined us on Zoom. If you missed it, here is the presentation minus the fabulous MSA teacher presentations from Mr. Chidel, Ms. Mancini (her video tour of the Emergence exhibit is linked here), and Mr. Verplaetse.

I also wanted to share the link to this heartfelt compilation of student voices reflecting on the value of our arts infused high school campus. We gathered these testimonials for the NUSD Board of Trustees to share a highlight of our Novato High School offerings. Its sweet to hear how arts impact students’ academic lives whether or not they are in MSA. What a testament to our collective vision and engagement. Enjoy and hope to see you at an NHS or MSA event soon!

Warmly, Michelle Cortez
MSA Director/NHS Assistant Principal


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