I often speak of my role overseeing arts, wellness, and equity at Novato High as the most awesome job—and it is. I love sharing my joys and celebrations with you each week.
Yet this evening, I am working hard to honestly share and balance BOTH the responsibility AND the joy of my role.
I’m heartbroken and grieving with our communities over the loss of a son, sweet student, talented athlete, and good friend to many, sophomore Marquan Wallace. We are all impacted whether we knew him well or not. I invite you to join me in sharing and modeling coping strategies as we experience this loss as a community. It’s a weight and a responsibility we bear together.
Focusing on the things that bring us collective optimism and hope for the future is not just an empty strategy—for me, it helps a lot. Our MSA Showcase Comes Home is just the kind of labor of love I hope we can share together. It really is a special event that may surprise you in the way many of the experiences grapple with complexity and process.
Right now we may have a lot on our minds, but this opportunity to connect and support one another is around the corner—it’s this Saturday! I would love to see the number of virtual ticket holders grow exponentially and to see our communities converge in a celebration of what is possible when we plan and work and create together. All the details are below. Please help us spread the word and share the unconditional love.
With gratitude for the ways we love on our communities and show up for each other in many ways,
Michelle Cortez
MSA Director/NHS Assistant Principal