Product Design Admission Guidelines
Applicants of all skill levels are encouraged to apply. Please contact Mr. Knudson with any questions or for assistance with any questions or for assistance.

Portfolio Guidelines
Students with previous experience, please prepare TWO of the FOUR items below for your portfolio.
1. Completed project (any medium that shows high-quality work including tinkering projects, electronic projects, woodworking examples, student designed 3D printed objects, functional prototypes, clothing or any object that shows your interest in creating well-designed things).
2. Product ideas (this can be a project in-process or design sketches for a proposed project).
3. CAD files (bring a printout of an object modeled and rendered in CAD).
4. Code examples (code written in any language. Be prepared to describe how the code functions and the tools used to write and debug the code).
Students with no previous experience in the four areas above should write a short essay about an area of interest that they would like to deeply explore.
Bring Above Work to Audition

Audition Guidelines
Once you’ve filled out an application, you will be contacted to set up an appointment for your audition/interview. If you do not receive information regarding setting up a time/date by January 20, please contact Shannon Miller, Program Specialist.
1. Please bring your completed portfolio (or essay) to your audition.
2. Please be prepared to present two examples of your work and be able to speak to the creation process.
3. If you do not have any experience, please bring your essay and come prepared to discuss an area of interest that you would like to deeply explore.
Applicants of ALL skill levels are encouraged to apply. Contact Mr. Knudson with any questions or for assistance.