Theatre Arts Admission Guidelines

Applicants of all skill levels are encouraged to apply. Please contact Mr. Franz with any questions or for assistance.


Audition Preparation

For all audition materials, students need to know the author and have read the whole play of the selections they perform in order to understand the character and scene they are performing. Please do not over rehearse. Have fun!

Musical Theatre:

1. Prepare to perform one memorized monologue of one minute or less.  Try to avoid dialects and accents. Find something that shows who YOU are.

2. Perform two different 16-bar cuts of songs from the musical theatre genre: one up-tempo piece and one ballad. Please choose a song with a strong melody, preferably from the 1920s –1960s. All songs must include a musical track. Please no acapella versions.

Theatre Arts:

Prepare to perform two memorized, contrasting monologues of one minute or less. Contrasting monologues include: one classical and one modern, one serious and one comical, etc. Avoid dialects and accents. Find something that shows who YOU are and is from a published play or novel, not from monologue books or monologue websites.


Bring Above Work to Audition


Audition Guidelines

Once you’ve filled out an application, you will be contacted in January to set up an audition appointment. If you do not receive information regarding setting up a time/date by January 20, please contact Shannon Miller, Program Specialist.

On audition day, students will participate as follows:

1. All applicants will participate in a mandatory two-hour theatre workshop (at no charge) with other applicants, MSA students and program staff on the morning of their individual audition date.

2. Perform prepared materials (detailed at left).

3. Applicants may also be asked to read cold from a script provided at the audition.

Please contact Mr. Franz with any questions or for assistance.