Instrumental Music Admission Guidelines
Applicants of all skill levels are encouraged to apply. Please contact Matthew Verplaetse with any questions or for assistance.

Audition Preparation
Auditions for Concert Band, String Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble auditions will use sheet music currently taught in middle school music programs.
Woodwind, brass, concert percussion
- Play any two major scales and a chromatic scale.
- Choose one of the following:
- Standard of Excellence Book 2, exercises 42. Shenandoah and 108 March Militaire. OR
- Essential Elements Book 2, exercises 97, American Patrol and 135, Unfinished Symphony
- Optional: Choose one of the following:
- An additional prepared piece of your choice
- Jazz Improvisation over an F or Bb Blues
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Classical Bass)
- Play any three major scales
- Choose one of the following:
- Essential Elements Book 1, exercise 193, Minuet in C OR
- Essential Elements Book 2, exercises 46, Theme from New World Symphony and 155, March from Peasants Cantata
- Optional: Play an additional prepared piece of your choice
Jazz Rhythm Section (Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drums)
- Piano, Guitar, Bass: Play any three major scales
- Perform the prepared piece for your instrument linked below:
- Piano, Guitar, Bass: Improvise over an F or Bb Blues
- Drums: Sightread a short piece of music
Applicants who do not already have the listed books as part of their middle school band or orchestra classes can purchase using the links above or email Mr. Verplaetse at the email linked above for alternate audition materials.
Bring Work above to audition

Audition Guidelines
Once you’ve filled out an application, you will be contacted to set up an appointment for your audition/interview. If you do not receive information regarding setting up a time/date by January 20, please contact Shannon Miller, Program Specialist.
At your audition, you will be asked to perform your audition materials (detailed at left) and have a short interview with the audition panel.
Please contact Matthew Verplaetse with any questions or for assistance.