Dance Admission Guidelines
Applicants of all skill levels are encouraged to apply. Please contact Ms. Mitnick-Cooper with any questions or for assistance.

Audition Preparation
MSA Dance will offer a Dance Audition Workshop on Dec. 11, 2024 from 5-7pm to help dancers prepare for their Jan. 25 audition. Please click here to RSVP for the workshop.
1. Prepare to perform a short choreographed piece in any style that best exhibits your strengths as a dancer (1-2 minutes in length).
2. An iPod will be available for accompaniment. Please make sure your music is downloaded and edited.
3. We cannot accept streaming music from youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud. etc.
Bring Above work to audition

Audition Guidelines
Once you’ve filled out an application, you will be contacted to set up an appointment for your audition/interview. If you do not receive information regarding setting up a time/date by January 20, please contact Shannon Miller, Program Specialist.
1. The Dance audition process includes a small group and a solo section. Your solo audition will be performed for a panel of judges only.
2. Come dressed in tights, leotard (female dancer) or plain T-shirt and sweatpants (male dancers) with dance shoes or in other appropriate movement attire.
3. Your audition will begin with ballet barre and center.
4. A short improvisation exercise will follow to show your comfort level with a variety of music and dance styles.
5. You will then learn a brief combination to demonstrate how well you pick up choreography.
6. Perform a short choreographed piece in any style that best exhibits your strengths as a dancer (1-2 minutes in length). Remember to bring downloaded and edited music to connect to iPod.
Applicants of ALL skill levels are encouraged to apply. Please contact Ms. Mitnick-Cooper with any questions or for assistance.