Our NHS Community

Hello, dear MSA Communities,

Thank you for those who were able to join us for MSA Town Hall #2 tonight. For those who weren’t able to log on, here’s the link to the deck for you to review our content and opportunities to engage.

Tonight, I also want to talk up OTHER ways to love on the NHS community. Our awesome NHS PTSA is preparing a lovely Teacher Appreciation Lunch next week for all teachers and staff and a return to an NHS signature event, Black and Gold, on Saturday, November 5. Both could use an infusion of MSA parent love—in all of its shapes and forms. I also highly encourage parents to look for and read our NHS Weekly Buzz that is sent out each and every Sunday. In the Buzz, don’t forget to click on both the Monday announcements (where you can hear Artists of the Week) and the Thursday Wellness videos usually featuring MSA students sharing mental health tips and advice.

We love our robust and diverse intersectional communities and thank you for all the ways you engage. The MSA teachers and staff are parents too and we know we ask a lot of our grown ups, but we hope you find all these events satisfying and rewarding—we sure do!

With so much love for all parts of our communities,

Michelle Cortez


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